Thursday, July 16, 2009

Do California Politicians Get Paid with IOU's?

I was wondering whether California Politicians get paid with IOU's that nobody will cash or real money.....According to Joe Weisenthal they get paid in cash. Apparently it is a legal requirement. Seems California would get a budget faster if the politicians were suffering like the rest of Californians....Fat Chance!

Someone asked us yesterday whether California politicians were among those would would be paid in IOUs now that the state has officially run out of cash.

How foolish we were for even thinking that this was a reasonable question. Of course they're not!

Here's the page (via Felix Salmon) which says who gets to keep getting paid in cash. Among the lucky recipients: Schools, public retirees and... legislatures and legislative appointees. Guess they won't be going hungry while they work to hammer out a deal.

The rest of the article can be read here

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