Thursday, April 2, 2009

What’s that smell? Bovine Fish Oil Methane Cure

Well, that's sure good to know!

Sometimes, you really don’t need to make up an April Fools joke. Truth can indeed be stranger than fiction, except for the part about “four gallons” which is part of the original Telegraph article ;-) - Anthony

From the Telegraph UK, by Louise Gray, Environment Correspondent

Fish oils reduce greenhouse emissions from ‘flatulent cows’

Cows which are fed omega 3 fatty acids belch out less greenhouse gases that cause climate change, according to scientists.

Cattle produce large amounts of methane as they digest their food and then belch out most of it through their mouths.

A herd of 200 cows can produce annual emissions of methane roughly equivalent in energy terms to driving a family car more than 100,000 miles (180,000km) on more than four gallons (21,400 litres) of petrol.

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