Is Global Warming happening, are we responsible, can we stop it and is it worth the price to stop it?
I have been reading up on Global Warming for some time now. I have come to understand that opinions are not unanimous and there is a very serious need for us to more fully understand both sides of this very important argument.
I will be highlighting, along with some opinions of my own, both sides in the starting today. I will, of course, continue to post whatever tickles my fancy from the days news and commentary. news items.

Some excepts from the Cal Thomas article,
The Environmental Protection Agency has submitted a “finding” to the White House Office of Management and Budget that will force the Obama administration to decide whether to limit greenhouse gas emissions under the Clean Air Act. If adopted, new laws and regulations will likely follow that have the potential to change our lifestyles and limit our freedoms. None of these laws and regulations will be preceded by debate, they will be imposed on us by fundamentalist politicians and scientists who have swallowed the Kool-Aid and declared global warming as fact; end of discussion.Read the entire article in World Magazine here.
On the Discovery Channel last week, Tom Brokaw hosted a special called “Global Warming: The New Challenge.” While promoting the piece, Brokaw declared, “There is a growing consensus that global warming is real and getting worse.” Actually, there is a growing body of opinion that global warming is a fraud perpetrated by liberal politicians and their scientific acolytes who want more control over our lives.
You know something is up when prominent apostles of global warming, especially former vice president and Nobel Laureate Al Gore, refuse to debate or discuss the issue with any scientist who takes a contrary view. Some religious fundamentalists impose various codes of behavior and dress on their adherents and threaten expulsion (if not death) for those who fail to acquiesce to their dictates. Is it not fundamentalist science to ignore any evidence that casts doubt on global warming? For a treasure trove of information that debunks the “science” of global warming visit
In New York earlier this month, more than 600 scientists, economists, legislators, and journalists from many nations met for the second International Conference on Climate Change. Numerous presentations debunked with documentation what they called the pseudoscience and dictatorial intentions promoted by the UN, the European Union, and the Obama administration. If there was media coverage of the event, I missed it.
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