It is no secret that Health Insurance Companies try to save every penny they take in, all companies do. That's what the game is all about. But today's news provides more proof that we need some form of intelligent universal coverage and, probably, a Public Option to keep it all honest.
Dawn Smith, of Georgia, was diagnosed with a benign brain tumor 4 years ago. Benign as it was, it still needed treatment as it was causing excruciating headaches, was located in a particularly sensitive area and difficult to get at. Her doctors recommended she seek treatment from several experts at the Cleveland Clinic, who had a record of successful treatment for this type of tumor. Her insurance company, CIGNA, refused because the Cleveland Clinic was outside their system. Logical enough, I guess, but more logical if they had actually had doctors inside their system with exceptional experience with this kind of tumor. So, Dawn struggled on with her debilitating headaches. She wrote politicians and public organizations with no results until informed everybody on their very big mailing list about Dawns problem. Days later CIGNA reviewed her case and Dawn got to go to the Cleveland Clinic and an improvement in her condition, although she still required regular medication.
A small victory for the common citizen, thanks to But, no memory is so long as a scorned insurance company. Shortly afterwards, Dawns premiums were raised from, $366 to $750 per month. Dawn, 33 and still unable to work, getting around in her dead grandmothers wheelchair, had to keep making the payments, even if it meant delaying checking a bump on her breast for several months.
Thankfully, the bump turned out to be nothing more than a calcium deposit. Again, sent out an e-mail and, again, CIGNA reversed their decision. there had been an error in classification and her premiums would not be increased.
But, insurance companies and elephants never forget. Four days later Dawn was told the medication she used to control headache pain was being increased from $10 every two-and-a-half-months to $1,115, and increase of over 1,100%. This time it was Huffington Post who jumped in. CIGNA backed down, saying that it was an error in the way her doctor had filled out the form.
The moral of this story? If you want fair treatment from the vengeful Sword of an insurance company you better have some really big Pens in your corner. Most folk don't. Read Dawns entire story here.
Or, perhaps, you could go to work for an insurance company. Surely, they don't eat their own. Or do they? Wellpoint Insurance has just announced they are cutting their employee insurance benefits for their 42,000 employees. They will keep the same insurance, but will have to pay more for it. Wellpoint, you may recall, along with United Health Care, illegally encouraged its California employees to lobby against health care reform. In an e-mail sent to their employees, encouraging them to write letters, said, "The proposals would hurt the company by causing tens of millions of Americans to lose their private coverage and end up in a government-run plan."
Well, yes....Duhhh! Beat a puppy long enough it will run to a better master.
Incidentally, WellPoint paid their CEO, Angela Braly, almost $10 Million last year. That works out to about $238 for each one of Wellpoints employees. Just an observation.
Read more about Wellpoint and their employees here.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
Rio, Chicago, Obama and Living Forever....
Well, quite a week. First criticism is heaped on President Obama for trying to assist in delivering the 2016 Olympics to Chicago. Then, when the Olympic Committee rejected Chicago in the first round and eventually selected Rio it becomes Obamas fault. Now, I don't know whether it was a good idea or a bad idea to have the Olympics in Chicago....Some very persuasive arguments on both sides. but, at least he tried. Good on him.
This all segues nicely into Thomas Friedmans New York Times commentary, "Where Did 'We' Go?".
We will never get around to solving the serious stuff until "we" grasp the fact that we are all in the same boat and quit trying to punch holes in the "other guys" part of the hull. If not, we're all going to sink together.The American political system was, as the saying goes, “designed by geniuses so it could be run by idiots.” But a cocktail of political and technological trends have converged in the last decade that are making it possible for the idiots of all political stripes to overwhelm and paralyze the genius of our system.
Those factors are: the wild excess of money in politics; the gerrymandering of political districts, making them permanently Republican or Democratic and erasing the political middle; a 24/7 cable news cycle that makes all politics a daily battle of tactics that overwhelm strategic thinking; and a blogosphere that at its best enriches our debates, adding new checks on the establishment, and at its worst coarsens our debates to a whole new level, giving a new power to anonymous slanderers to send lies around the world. Finally, on top of it all, we now have a permanent presidential campaign that encourages all partisanship, all the time among our leading politicians.
And finally, two worrisome articles, highlighted on the right in "Headlines of Note , Half of babies born in rich world will live to 100 and Scientists find path to fountain of youth, point out that we are getting a lot closer to the 500 year life spans I keep projecting. What are "we" going to do when that happens. All the looming devils of Climate Change, true or not, pale when compared to the problems of 400 year old adults having their 30th child.
All this talk of Climate Change and the proposed solutions of Carbon controls, emission controls are starting to bother me. Now, personally, I think there is serious doubt as to both the degree of Climate Change we can expect and the part that "we" humans play in it. Personally, I think Change is coming, it is not quite as dramatic as Al Gore is making his millions preaching about, it is inevitable, there is nothing we can do to reverse it and "we" are only minimal contributing factors. Our time and money will be much better spent preparing for it than trying to prevent the inevitable.
But, having stated my position, why are "we" not taking a serious look at two of the more zany solutions that have been proposed. One article I read said that 40% of all pregnancies are unwanted. So, why aren't we encouraging the development of solutions that would prevent pregnancy unless "turned off' by those who actually want to have children? A 40% reduction in birth rates would eliminate a very very large portion of the carbon footprint.
Another suggestion has been that if we painted all the rooftops and highways white this would more than offset the temperature rising impact of CO2 emissions, if any. These are just a couple of the ideas that are out there. My apologies to the authors, but I can't recall their names at the moment.
So call me crazy, but it has been that sort of week.
Climate Change,
Rio de Janiero,
Thomas Friedman. we
Thursday, October 1, 2009
15 Extraordinary Sand Sculptures
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